Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Left-overs and Blogger Frustrations

I got really frustrated with trying to sign into Blogger today, so I made a blog over at Wordpress and posted today's note there.

Here's the link:

I'll probably keep posting here!  :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Flying Through Interruptions

Okay, one more post before I crack open the books....

My sister introduced me to the FlyLady about three years ago. or on Facebook: The Flylady.  Basically, her system of steady routines helps keep chaos to a minimum.

Those of you who have already found the FlyLady will appreciate this.  

Fifteen minutes and a Little Interruption later....

 Equals this!  A clean sink for the morning.

The FlyLady may not be what you are looking for, but she works for me!!!  

Sautee it aint so...

Tonight in the Interrupted Kitchen, we are enjoying sausage and peppers with sauteed kale over quinoa.  :)